Heartland Church
Knob Noster, Missouri

Pursuing the heart of God...together!
Heartland Church is a community of believers committed to pursuing the heart of God. We invite you to come as you are and join us as we seek to worship and serve our wonderful God.
You're sure to meet someone at Heartland you can identify with since our members come from every age group - young families with children, empty nesters and retired persons, as well as from every walk of life - military, education, business, agriculture, homemaking, and more.
While our church campus is located in the rolling hills north of Knob Noster, our congregation reaches out to people living in and around Warrensburg, Concordia, Sweet Springs, and La Monte. We are an open, welcoming group of believers who eagerly desire to encourage and support new members with the love of Jesus Christ.
Please take a few moments to explore our website and learn more about Heartland Church. Feel free to contact us with questions or needs. We'll certainly do our very best to serve you!
We Welcome You!
I have come so that you may have life,
and have it abundantly.
Join us for worship this week and pursue the heart of God with us. Together we'll experience Christ's promise in John 10:10 -
Coming at Heartland
We Invite You
to Join Us!
Sundays 9:00 am
Bible study for all ages, including nursery
Sundays 10:00 am
Worship service, nursery provided. Children's Church offered on the third Sunday of every month
Wednesdays 7:00 pm
Youth group Bible study and activities
Fourth Saturday of the
Month 8:00 am.
Fellowship breakfast for
men and boys
Other Activities
(see Facebook for details)
Back to School Bash
Women's paint party
Women's Retreat
Christmas Eve Service
Easter breakfast
Area-wide Ladies' Tea
Youth Retreat at Branson
Church-wide Picnic
Vacation Bible School
Summer swim party
If you are unable to worship with us in person, we invite you to join us live on Facebook Sunday mornings at 10 am.
to Watch
You can use the link below to support the ministries of Heartland Church financially. We appreciate your commitment to sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ through our congregation locally and in locations throughout the world!